Dunkin's Donut Goes Green
Most of the coffee and baked food franchise construct a green project. See how Dunkin's Donut goes green.
The St. Petersburg restaurant is built in the Dunkin’ Donuts flagship model design and features include: energy-efficient insulated concrete foam walls to reduce air conditioning usage by approximately 40%, energy-efficient lighting, including motion sensors for restrooms and offices, water-efficient plumbing fixtures, low-flush toilets, and the usage of well water rather than potable water for all irrigation.
Marking the company’s foray into building and operating environmentally friendly facilities, the location’s green initiatives include recycling programs involving worm casting and food donations to the local food bank. Green cleaning is also being practiced at the store.
It looks like Starbucks is in for some competition in the green image arena. While that company has a history of sustainable actions, earlier this month U.K. newspaper The Sun reported that the purveyor of coffee was wasting up to 6 million gallons of water each day in its stores. The company has since stated that it has changed policies–water used to rinse utensils will now be turned off between rinsings, rather than constantly running during business hours as had previously been done.
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