Friday, September 25, 2009

2 Malaysia in health services

By Sim Kwang Yang (Malaysiakini)

As we approach September 16, the date on which Sarawak achieved independence through by joing Malaysia 46 years ago, my thought turns to the progress made in developing my home state.

The Malaysiakini report on the failed Flying Doctor Service is particularly illuminating, in highlighting the problems of public health care for the rural dwellers of Sarawak - and Sabah as well.

Readers of Malaysiakini are probably urban dwellers for whom medical facilities are taken for granted, along with clean water, sanitation, good roads, and all the amenities that are available aplenty in large cities and towns

If you get sick, there is always the neighbourhood GP's clinic; a jab and some pills will take care of the usual minor-ailments.

If you are really sick, there are always the public or private general hospitals with all the latest sophisticated medial equipment and the professional expertise at your disposal, as long as you can pay the bills.

But imagine this: what do you do when you get sick if you are a citizen living in a remote village in the deep interior of Sarawak?

Well, you try to consult the old folk or the local village healer, look for traditional medicines like some herbs and roots, and try to sleep off your ailment.

If you are afflicted with some serious conditions like cancer or a difficult child birth, you just lie down and wait to die.

Read more at:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

15 Malaysia: Slovak Sling

hahaha... must watch this movie clip !

'A comedic re-enactment of how one politician tries to entice another to switch party allegiance as DVD pirates look on.'

How to take care 'datuk'...
Take care of his pocket money
Take care of his 'brother'
Take care of his children - old KTM train station VS KL sentral VS Playstation
Take care of his image - Sun glass, Armani belt , Italy shirt ...

'Never Let Your Enemies See You Naked' ! --quoted from slovak Sling.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Garden Clean-Up

Need to pay RM350 per lorry to carry these... which is excluded the workman wages.

The tree becomes botak liao.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Testing My D60

Practicing on my first DSLR which is bought yesterday.

House or jail ?

Tai Tong Restaurant & C**** Club is going to open here.

Not enough budget to buy the latest & advanced kit . However, i got my full set of DSLR yesterday @ RM 3090/= a good start for a beginner. Start saving for upgrade to next level ! Move forward LI!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Against The Internet Filter Plan

Information Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim today confirmed media reports that the government was considering imposing an Internet filter to block "undesirable" websites.

The point that given out by the minister for considering on the censoring software is extremely ridiculous! What are the specific 'undesirable' websites on your list? 18+ Adult contents or political critiques? or both?

We need to educate the children what is healthy and what is the unhealthy contents on webs. Blocking them from browsing 'pornographic and vulgar' websites is not an effective and not a correct way to keep them away. Enhanced education about the correct use of the internet, provide a proper sexual knowledge and values to the youth. Your simply stop them from touching on the issues, will make them even more curious.

Furthermore, this will not stop the social illness or abnormal personality. It's time for us to look in deep about the fall of morality and social problems by education or counseling on a healthy family plan. Without a correct concept or values when comes to the view of sexuality, by filtering the internet does not help. Curiosity can kill a cat and maybe for the next is a human , don't you read news?!

On 1st July, China gives up on 'Green Dam Youth Escort', which is an internet censorship software that blocks certain websites. They are a huge public outcry against it , the public, the computer seller and dealers from US. Everyone against to pre-implement this filtering program. Computer experts also discovered severe weaknesses in the software that would let hackers hijack the computers. Every software have their leakage, whatever software that you developed, they still can create a patch or program to crack the system.

Other than that, as a frequent internet users or a professional blogger they will know, what is the main intention that our minister insist to implement such a stupid software. As their wish, control all the media. Censor and stop broadcasting all the critiques against government. Foreigner or those who live in overseas won't know how poor is our democracy system.

There would be no political critiques and don't have any bad image in Malaysia. Whatever you see is just 'correct , correct ,correct'. We disallowed anyone who stands out for fight with justice or to fight for a fair system. No matter how serious the corruption or brutality is.

Whatever they know or the people know are all well done and perfect performance by the government. Is this the healthy balance phenomenon in a developing country? Accept all the praise, lack of criticism. All Malaysian read such a CACAT newspaper like UTUSAN and bring 1Malaysia to become katak di bawah perigi. People continue to have scanty knowledge. They have no right to know.

To the government ,the more you pressure and barred, lead to more offensive to BN. That is why people angry with. Not against anyone. Is to the CACAT System which bring us 100 steps backward on the road for democracy.

To bloggers, if we consider on this Internet Filter, we live with nothing, we only live with a weak civic awareness like in ancient times.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Do We Have Human Rights In Custody?

There is a video clip being spread around in internet and sms which exposes the obnoxious treatment of a suspect in custody.

Some people said the suspect in this video was Teoh Beng Hock who had sudden death on 16 July, at MACC building during the help for an investigation. However, the suspect in this video clip is not Teoh ! We hope that people who are with rational need not spread this kind of rumors. This is a very serious accusation and it is NOT TRUE at all!

Some have told that the video clip already uploaded on youtube for a month time. Thus, it is a sure that the suspect is someone else.

Even the suspect or i would rather say that the victim on this video was not Teoh but violence should not be done by the police. Why ones can allowed the abuse of police power happened in our country? For that reason, not surprising that they are more than one people (even more and many) being torture by such inhuman treatment in custody.

My questions after watching this video clip:

1. Do we still cover by human rights when being detained or in a custody?

2. What are the power level or rights that a police can have to interrogate to a suspect? included violence?

3. Can someone please prove that the police in the video are ( or /are not) from Malaysia?

4. Who is going to take the responsibility if the suspect killed/dead/commit suicide due to the brutality during his investigation?

5. From 2003 to 2007, within 5 years, total by more than 1,500 death under detention in Malaysia. Our government has not taken any action on it and even they try to set up an independent police complaints and misconduct commission (IPCMC) have come to nothing. Why?

Mengapa berdemonstrasi? - by Yeo Yang Poh

Kerajaan telah menyatakan bahawa Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) sedang dikaji. Mengapa berdemonstrasi lagi?

Biarlah pandangan dikemukakan secara berhemah. Demonstrasi untuk apa?

Ada kewajarannya seandainya soalan tersebut diajukan oleh kanak-kanak. Namun, soalan tersebut telah dilontarkan seorang Perdana Menteri negara. Maka ia tidak boleh diperlekehkan.

Mengapa berdemonstrasi?

Kerana Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Ulaganathan, dan ribuan yang mati dalam tahanan. Mereka tidak mampu untuk berdemonstrasi dan bersuara. Maka, perlunya orang lain untuk bertindak dan bersuara untuk mereka.

Kerana mereka yang nampak macam Lingam, mereka yang berkuasa, mereka yang hartanya pantang didedahkan di bawah matahari, bahkan politikus yang berkuasa untuk membawa perubahan tetapi mendiamkan diri ketika berdepan dengan ketidakadilan, mereka akan terus menggunakan pelbagai kuasa untuk memerintah kita. Mereka semestinya tidak akan berdemonstrasi. Mereka akan mencari seribu cara untuk menghalang demonstrasi.

Kerana mereka yang miskin, yang dipinggirkan, yang ditekan, yang didiskriminasi, malah yang dianiaya, langsung tidak berpeluang untuk mempengaruhi mereka yang berkuasa.

Kerana pendekatan "bertutur dengan penuh hemah" telah digunakan untuk berpuluh-puluh tahun. Sehingga air liur kering-kontang, tidak meninggalkan sebarang kesan. Kerana cadangan reformasi yang penting (termasuk membenarkan demonstrasi aman) yang dikemukakan SUHAKAM dan Suruhanjaya Di-Raja, tidak diterima dan terlaksana. Kerana bayang IPCMC tidak kelihatan, sebaliknya rasuah dan keganasan menular ke setiap pelusuk. Lebih teruk lagi, walaupun banyak nasihat diberikan, namun kerajaan tetap menggunakan RELA untuk menjadikan keadaan lebih parah.

Masih ingatkah "Suqiu"? Suqiu tidak berdemonstrasi, dengan penuh hemah, meminta dan merayu. Apa kesudahannya? Pandangan disampahkan, malah mereka yang tidak pernah berdemonstrasi ini dituduh sebagai pengganas.

Tanya lagi, mengapa berdemonstrasi?

Kerana mereka yang tidak berdemonstrasi disalah-labelkan oleh kerajaan. Mereka dilabelkan sebagai "majoroti yang senyap" (silent majority). Politikus mendakwa bahawa majoriti yang mendiamkan diri itu sebagai petanda sokongan kepada kerajaan, lantas kerajaan perlu mengambil kira kepentingan majoriti ini. Hari ini, antara majoriti yang senyap ini, ramai tidak sanggup mendiamkan diri lagi.

Masih nak tanya mengapa?

Ya, kerana kerajaan yang munafik ini tidak akan berjaya menipu seluruh dunia untuk selama-lamanya. Kerana nepotisme hanya memanfaatkan beberapa kerat orang, yang lain akan terkejut dari tidur satu hari nanti.

Kerana "perkauman" yang dimainkan itu telah terbongkar rahsianya. Ia hanyalah muslihat yang jijik untuk memecah-belahkan masyarakat kita.

Kerana bukan sukarnya untuk menyedari bahawa, mengapa Malaysia yang kaya dengan sumber semula jadi dan tenaga manusia ini, taraf hidup rakyatnya tidak melangkaui Singapura, sebuah pulau kecil tanpa sumber semulajadi?

Kerana negara yang menerima demonstrasi secara aman telah menikmati kekayaan dan kestabilan, atau dalam proses perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik. Negara yang menekan demonstrasi aman secara kekerasan, rakyatnya hidup merana kepapaan.

Juga kerana, Mahatma Gandhi pernah berdemonstrasi. Nelson Mandela pernah berdemonstrasi. Martin Luther King pernah berdemonstrasi. Tunku Abdul Rahman juga pernah berdemonstrasi.

Kerana semakin ramai menyedari, bahawa demonstrasi aman langsung tidak menjejaskan keselamatan negara, hanya menggugat kedudukan mereka yang berkuasa.

Kerana apabila politikus dengan senyuman berkata rakyat adalah tuan kepada kerajaan, ini semuanya pembohongan! Cuba tanya, mana adanya hamba yang menggunakan gas pemedih mata, baton dan gari untuk melayan tuannya?

Kerana, seandainya semua demonstrasi dalam sejarah menemui ajal, maka hari ini, India, Malaysia dan banyak lagi negara yang lain masih merupakan tanah jajahan. Afrika Selatan masih mengekalkan dasar apartheid, Nelson Mandela masih meringkuk di penjara. Malah Barack Obama mungkin masih merupakan seorang hamba di Mississippi, dalam rancangannya untuk melarikan diri.

Kerana maruah dan kebebasan bukan hadiah durian runtuh. Ia perlu diperjuangkan semua orang. Ia ada harganya. Seandainya kita inginkan kehidupan sebagai seorang manusia, kita tidak boleh menjadi penikus untuk seumur hidup.

Soalan mengapa berdemonstrasi umpama soalan yang menanya, mengapa memperjuangkan kebebasan atau kesaksamaan? Yang harus ditanya adalah, mengapa tidak boleh bebas, tidak boleh saksama?

Jadi, persoalannya bukan mengapa berdemonstrasi, tetapi mengapa tidak boleh berdemonstrasi secara aman?

* Yeo Yang Poh ialah bekas Presiden Majlis Peguam Malaysia. - Article from

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rakyat Didahulukan Prestasi Diutamakan ISA Diteruskan – Satulah Malaysia by Kickdefella

Hari ini didalam sejarah, Ibrahim Ali hilang dalam ratusan ribu penyokong Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) yang tidak hadir pada hari ini. Walaupun hujan telah turun disebelah petang di sebahagian besar Semenanjung Malaysia, suara Ibrahim Ali tidak kedengaran bersama katak-katak yang bergembira menyambut hujan turun.

Dalam pada itu, Menteri Pertahanan Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata adalah mustahil untuk ISA dimansuhkan. Sementara itu, Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Nazri Aziz pula bersumpah bahawa Barisan Nasional akan mengekalkan ISA.

Manakala di Kota Bharu, Perdana Menteri Najib Razak, cuba merayu supaya Menteri Besar Kelantan, Nik Abdul Aziz Bin Nik Mat menjaga sensitiviti Ahli-ahli UMNO.

Persoalannya, siapakah yang akan menjaga sensitiviti lebih 80,000 orang yang membanjiri Kota Kuala Lumpur dengan perasaan cintakan negara sambil membeli belah, minum-minum dan teringin melihat memorandum diserahkan ke Pejabat Yang DiPertuan Agung.

Tentu sekali bukan pihak polis yang ternyata mengamalkan dasar 1 Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Prestasi Diutamakan.

Dalam hal ini, pihak polis menganggap rakyat mereka yang merah, putih , kuning, hitam atau apa warna kulit atau baju dipakai adalah sama sahaja sesuai dengan slogan 1 Malaysia.

Lebih dari itu, tentu sekali rakyat didahulukan lebih dari pengganas, perogol, peragut dan lain-lain penjenayah.

Akhir sekali, prestasi diutamakan, iaitu prestasi peralatan-peralatan canggih yang dibeli dari duit rakyat dan mesti digunakan untuk rakyat.

Maka hari ini berjayalah Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara.

Syabas - This article is written by : Sheih Kickdefella

It could be a peaceful rally, but not in our country. The international community must be laughing at us.
All police power , FRU ,water bom and tear gas are being used on those unarmed people and those without offensive capability.

Related article:

Himpunan Mansuh ISA On 1 Aug

' The two ISA demonstrations planned for tomorrow are pointless since the government is already in the process of reviewing the security law, said Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today. '

Without those rally from rakyat, do you think government will still look in deep to review the security law? If the rally is pointless, where could the government hear from Malaysian voice in order to review the law? Expert or professions like lawyer, NGO or the human right organization should be invited to join the review meeting. As a leader , as a ruling party, the people voice should be hear. As a citizen in this country, you need to have a freedom to voice out. That is your right under the democracy system! If governmnet thinks that it is pointless, they shouldn't set up roadblocks and assigned a big group of FRU on this day.  

Friday, July 31, 2009

Jackie Chan Kaspersky 2010 Ad | Comercial

I can't believe that a Kung Fu Master like Jacky Chan can play a commercial ad in network security. Kaspersky, you are brilliant!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MANSUH – Perhimpunan Anti-ISA (Panduan Peserta)

Penting! Panduan bagi peserta perhimpunan aman Mansuhkan ISA

Himpunan Mansuhkan ISA pada 1 Ogos 2009 di Kuala Lumpur bakal mencipta sejarahnya yang tersendiri selepas Himpunan Bersih dan PPSMI. Uniknya pada hari yang sama akan ada satu lagi himpunan lain yang Menyokong ISA.

Kami menjangkakan pelbagai kaum akan muncul, pelbagai ideologi akan hadir, pelbagai agama dan kepercayaan akan berhimpun untuk menyatakan pandangan mereka khususnya dalam mendesak Kerajaan Memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).

Oleh itu bagi melancarkan perhimpunan ini, pihak kami mengeluarkan satu garis panduan yang diharapkan dapat membantu anda dan kami diperingkat penganjur dalam memastikan perhimpunan ini dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan aman.

Perkara yang perlu anda bawa/sediakan

1. Kad pengenalan, lesen memandu, satu kad ATM sahaja.

Duit-maksimum RM 100 sahaja.

Memakai pakaian yang sopan-Baju berwarna Hitam/Merah- Sebaiknya ada logo Mansuhkan ISA

Setiap peserta diwajibkan memakai kasut.

Aksesori kempen-Button, riben, topi, kopiah arm band, bendera kecil, banner dan placard yang ada Logo atau Slogan Mansuhkan ISA boleh digunakan.

Bendera Malaysia atau negeri masing-masing.

Air mineral, sedikit makanan ringan atau gula-gula.

Sedikit garam-ia penting dan boleh dimakan sedikit (bukan sapu dimuka) bagi mengembalikan tenaga terutamanya jika Pihak Polis sembur air dari Water Canon atau Gas pemedih mata.

Kain tuala kecil basah untuk tutup mata dan hidung untuk elak terkena gas pemedih mata.

Digalakkan memakai penutup mulut dan hidung jenis N100 Respirator, N95 Respirator dan untuk mengelak penularan wabak Influenza H1N1 dan juga menghindarkan sedutan gas pemedih mata yang melampau.Surgical facemask

Jika anda mempunyai asma atau alahan sila bawa inhaler atau ubat sendiri.

Sila bawa beg plastik sampah kecil bagi mengelakkan anda membuang sampah merata-rata.

Sila bawa pen dan kertas (mini note pad) bagi mencatat nama dan no. pengenalan Polis atau perkara-perkara yang mencurigakan.

Jangan lupa bawa kamera, video cam atau handphone berkamera bagi merakamkan suasana himpunan – gambar-gambar atau klip video boleh dihantar kepada kami selepas himpunan di email Setiausaha GMI-enalini_ elumalai@ Alamat email ini telah dilindungi dari spam bots, anda perlukan Javascript enabled untuk melihatnya untuk rekod dan disiarkan.

Perkara yang tidak dibenarkan

Jangan bawa kad matrik pelajar bagi student atau pass kakitangan bagi pekerja Kerajaan dan Swasta.

Jangan bawa terlalu banyak wang atau kad kreadit untuk elakkan penyeluk saku, tercicir atau hilang semasa perhimpunan atau ditahan.

Jangan memakai pakaian yang menjolok mata dan tidak sopan.

Jangan memakai selipar, kasut tumit tinggi atau sandal untuk memudahkan pergerakkan.

Jangan memakai kain atau skirt, digalakkan memakai seluar.

Jangan memakai barang kemas atau aksesori yang tiada kaitan dengan kempen mansuhkan ISA

Jangan bawa sebarang banner, placard, bendera yang melambangkan logo parti dan organisasi.

Sebarang slogan yang tiada kaitan dengan Kempen Mansuhkan ISA tidak dibenarkan.

Jangan bawa sebarang benda tajam kecuali pen.

Jangan bawa bahan-bahan yang boleh meletup atau mudah terbakar seperti, mancis, molotov cocktail dan mercun.

Tidak dibenarkan merokok semasa perhimpunan kerana akan menganggu orang lain.

Jangan bawa sebarang senjata seperti kayu, besi, rantai besi, pistol dan yang merbahaya.

Bagi yang membawa anak-anak, anda tidak dibenarkan membawa permainan yang berupa seperti senjata seperti pistol, senapang atau pisau mainan.

Jangan bawa anak-anak yang berumur 10 tahun ke bawah bagi mengelakkan sebarang masalah.

Perkara yang perlu anda lakukan sebelum perhimpunan

Servis kenderaan dan periksa peralatan yang perlu dibawa.

Jangan makan atau minum terlalu banyak sebelum perhimpunan.

Pastikan anda telah menunaikan ‘hajat’ sebelum memasuki perhimpunan.

Bagi yang Islam, Lakukanlah solat taubat dan hajat, semoga Allah berkati perhimpunan ini dan yang bukan Islam boleh berdoa mengikut ritual masing-masing.

Pastikan anda telah mengunci rumah atau meninggalkan pesanan-pesanan penting kepada keluarga atau jiran anda yang tidak pergi perhimpunan.

Maklumkan mereka tujuan anda keluar.

Maklumkan mereka nombor telefon sahabat lain yang bersama anda jika handphone anda tidak dapat dihubungi nanti.

Jangan lupa charge bateri handphone dan kamera.

Pastikan anda berniat kerana Allah (bagi yang muslim) sebelum keluar rumah.

Pastikan anda tahu arah tuju anda iaitu tempat berkumpul yang ditetapkan; Sogo, Masjid Jamek, atau Masjid Negara.

Pastikan anda datang awal untuk elakkan kesesakan jalan raya atau terpaksa berbaris panjang untuk beli tiket tren LRT atau Komuter.

Datang secara berkumpulan, jangan bersendirian.

Sekiranya perjalanan anda dihalang dari memasuki pusat bandar anda boleh meletakkan kenderaan dan berjalan kaki ke Sogo, Masjid Jamek, atau Masjid Negara (Jangan terus ke Istana Negara bersendirian) .

Jangan memakai baju Mansuhkan ISA sebelum perhimpunan bermula.

Semasa perhimpunan dan perarakan

Berkumpul di tempat pertemuan yang ditetapkan (Sogo, Masjid Jamek, atau Masjid Negara) dan tunggu arahan dari Field Commander yang dilantik.

Ikutilah arahan dari Unit Amal atau Field Commander sepanjang program. Jangan pedulikan arahan lain tanpa merujuk kepada Field Commander.

Jangan berganjak dari tempat perhimpunan melainkan dengan arahanField Commander.

Laporkan pada Unit Amal bertugas jika terlihat sesuatu yang mencurigakan.

Jangan tolak menolak sepanjang perhimpunan dan perarakan.

Elakkan mencerca, memaki hamun atau menunjukkan isyarat lucah semasa perhimpunan berlaku.

Raikan perhimpunan ini dengan aman dan harmoni.

Pastikan anda memberikan keutamaan laluan kepada kenderaan yang lalu lalang dan tidak melintas sesuka hati dijalanraya.

Pastikan anda memberikan keutamaan, membantu dan melindungi warga emas, orang kurang upaya atau kanak-kanak yang hadir bersama.

Maklumkan sahabat anda jika anda ingin keluar dari perhimpunan disebabkan hal kecemasan atau kerana ingin ke tandas bagi mengelakan masalah lain.

Pastikan anda dapat duduk semasa pimpinan berucap.

12. Pastikan anda tidak bersembang semasa pimpinan berucap kerana kemungkinan bunyi sound system akan tenggelam dengan suara ratusan ribu peserta.

Ikutilah laungan pimpinan jika perlu.

Pegang bendera Malaysia atau negeri anda sepanjang perarakan.

Jangan buang sampah merata-rata sepanjang perhimpunan. Masukan dalam beg plastik yang anda bawa.

Rakamkan suasana himpunan – gambar-gambar atau klip video boleh dihantar kepada kami selepas himpunan di email Setiausaha GMI-enalini_ elumalai@ Alamat email ini telah dilindungi dari spam bots, anda perlukan Javascript enabled untuk melihatnya untuk rekod dan disiarkan.

Kalau boleh rakamkan sekali wajah-wajah polis yang bertugas atau tragedi-tragedi penting seperti keganasan atau provokasi Polis jika ada.

Selepas perhimpunan

Pastikan anda bersurai secara perlahan-lahan dan dengan aman selepas diberikan arahan bersurai.

Pastikan sahabat atau saudara dan anak-anak anda ada bersama selepas perhimpunan. Jika tiada, sila datang ke Pejabat Agung PAS untuk membuat laporan dengan Unit Amal bertugas.

Jika ada sahabat atau saudara anda ditahan, jangan terus balik. Dapatkan maklumat di Pejabat Agung PAS atau ke Balai Polis berkaitan untuk bebaskan mereka.

Jangan tinggalkan apa-apa sampah ditempat perhimpunan. Pastikan semuanya dibuang ke tong sampah atau dibawa balik dan dibuang dirumah.

Berikan ucapan terima kasih kepada pasukan Keselamatan bertugas jika perhimpunan berjalan lancar.

Jangan lupa sebarkan gambar dan berita perhimpunan kepada semua sahabat-sahabat terutamanya yang tidak hadir. Segala info dan maklumat bolehlah diemailkan kepada kami di email Setiausaha GMI-enalini_ elumalai@

Apa anda perlu buat jika kumpulan Pro-ISA buat Provokasi

Jangan pedulikan mereka, diam dan teruskan mengikut arahan Field Commander Unit Amal.

Jangan menyahut provokasi mereka, jangan baling apa-apa, jangan tunjukkan isyarat apa-apa pada mereka. Anggap mereka tidak wujud pada hari berkenaan.

Jangan hampiri mereka.

Jika mereka bertindak agreasif secara tiba-tiba, tahan, jangan pukul tetapi serahkan mereka pada pihak Polis.

Jangan lupa buat laporan Polis terhadap mereka jika anda dicederakan atau diganggu.

Buat rakaman wajah-wajah mereka jika perlu.

Apa anda perlu buat jika polis buat provokasi dan serbuan

Jangan lari atau keluar dari perhimpunan melainkan dengan arahan pimpinan, anda akan mudah ditangkap jika keluar dahulu.

Jangan bersendirian, pastikan anda bergandingan tangan dan berdiri rapat-rapat bila polis acah nak buat serbuan atau tembakan water canon.

Duduk jika pimpinan arahkan.

Basahkan tuala anda dengan sedikit air, dan tekup dimuka bila gas pemedih mata dilepaskan. Basuh muka anda dengan air dan makan sedikit garam jika terkena air water canon berwarna kuning.

Jangan melawan atau cuba bertikam lidah dengan polis bila mereka provoke…hanya diamkan diri.

Ambil gambar mereka jika sempat.

Buat laporan Polis jika anda dikasari.

Apa yang anda perlu buat jika ditahan

Jangan banyak cakap dengan polis. Diamkan dan tenangkan diri.

Minta nama dan nombor polis yang menahan anda dan tanya dia sebab anda ditahan, seksyen berapa yang digunakan.

Berikan maklumat asas sahaja jika diminta seperti nama, no kad pengenalan, alamat rumah (berikan ikut alamat dalam IC sahaja).

Jika mereka tanya soal pekerjaan, jawap yang ringkas sahaja. Jangan bagi maklumat yang lengkap.

Bagi pelajar, jika mereka tanya anda masih belajar atau tidak, anda hanya perlu jawab “Masih tengah cari kerja” atau berikan jawapan lain yang sesuai. Elakkan mengaku sebagai student. Biar mereka siasat sendiri jika mereka perlukan maklumat lanjut. Jangan jawab soalan yang tidak perlu.

Bagi kakitangan Kerajaan jika mereka tanya tempat kerja anda, jawab ”Saya kerja swasta atau kerja sendiri”. Biar mereka siasat sendiri jika mereka perlukan maklumat lanjut. Jangan jawab soalan yang tidak perlu.

Minta berjumpa dengan peguam sebelum beri apa-apa keterangan. Peguam akan menunggu diluar balai jika anda ditahan.

Kalau boleh jangan beri terlalu banyak keterangan, anda hanya perlu jawab “saya akan bagi keterangan di Mahkamah sahaja”. Ingat! Apa yang anda cakap di Balai Polis boleh dijadikan bahan bukti di Mahkamah. Anda berhak untuk tidak memberikan sebarang keterangan kepada Polis melainkan di Mahkamah.

Semasa ditahan, jangan pedulikan provokasi polis atau jangan mudah cair bila mereka berlembut.

Pastikan anda ingat semua yang berlaku, termasuklah pegawai polis yang tahan dan soal siasat anda.

Jangan terlalu risau kerana, diluar balai telah disediakan orang-orang yang akan jamin dan bela anda.

Apa yang anda buat selepas dibebaskan

Pastikan semua barang-barang anda dikembalikan oleh Polis.

Buat pemeriksaan kesihatan jika ada kecederaan.

Buat laporan Polis jika anda dikasari semasa perhimpunan atau semasa ditahan.

Ceritakan dan rakamkan pada peguam dan media jika anda dianiaya polis.

Jangan lupa catatkan semua yang anda ingat bila balik ke rumah untuk memudahkan anda mengingatinya bila dibawa ke Mahkamah kelak.

Pastikan anda ingat dan ambil nombor perhubungan orang yang jamin anda dan juga peguam yang terlibat.

Serahkan pada peguam segala maklumat dan gambar yang anda ada tentang himpunan bagi memudahkan pembelaan.

Jangan lupa solat sunnat syukur selepas dibebaskan dan kembalilah bertemu dengan sahabat-sahabat seperjuangan.

Jangan menyepi dari perjuangan selepas melalui pengalaman ditangkap kerana itu secara semulajadi akan menyebabkan motivasi anda akan menjadi lemah dan anda akan rasa keseorangan.

Teruskan perjuangan bersama sahabat-sahabat lain.

Sesungguhnya anda akan rasa lebih hebat dan berani lagi selepas ditangkap kerana tidak semua orang berpeluang merasai apa yang anda lalui ketika ditahan.


Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kesalahan atau pelanggaran undang-undang yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan perhimpunan ini.

Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang provokasi atau tindakan ganas yang dilakukan oleh mana-mana pihak secara berkumpulan atau individu.

Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kecederaan yang disebabkan oleh kecuaian atau tindakan diluarkan arahan penganjur.

Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang penangkapan yang dibuat kerana pergaduhan atau aktiviti agreasif yang tiada kaitan dengan arahan himpunan ini

Secara keseluruhannya, kita berdoa semoga Perhimpunan ini dapat berjalan lancar tanpa adanya sebarang masalah atau tangkapan.

Kita berharap agar dengan sedikit usaha dan kehadiran kita ini akan dapat memberikan kesedaran kepada pihak Kerajaan dan memberikan laluan untuk Agong mempergunakan kuasa yang ada untuk memperbaiki kelemahan sistem perundangan negara kita.

Ingat, Himpunan Bersih dan PPSMI berjaya menyedarkan Kerajaan kerana kesungguhan rakyat. Maka, kini adalah masa untuk kita berjuang bersama untuk memansuhkan ISA.

Pastikan anda mengikuti arahan-arahan yang diberikan. Sebarang masalah anda boleh rujuk kepada
Field Commander atau Unit Amal yang bertugas pada perhimpunan ini.

Ingatlah, peristiwa ini adalah peluang untuk anda sekali seumur hidup dan ianya akan kekal menjadi sejarah yang akan menjadi sebutan kepada anak cucu kita. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk menjadi sebahagian dari sejarah ini. ---DEMA

2nd A(H1N1)-related death in Malaysia

PETALING JAYA (July 27, 2009): Malaysia recorded its second death related to Influenza A(H1N1) when a 46-year-old man, who was confirmed positive with the virus, died in a private hospital here on Sunday after seven days of intensive care.

Ismail Merican

A statement from the Health Ministry said the man‘s death was caused by severe pneumonia with respiratory and renal failure.

Its director-general Tan Sri Mohd Ismail Merican said the victim was working in Belgium and arrived here on July 4 and developed fever and cough upon returning from his holiday in Langkawi on July 13.

"He obtained treatment in a private hospital in Petaling Jaya on July 16. His x-ray test showed he had pneumonia," he said.

"This case was referred to another private hospital in Subang Jaya on July 19 for intensive care treatment and was confirmed positive for A(H1N1) on July 23."

About 18 of the man’s contacts have been identified and only one of them has symptoms of tonsillitis.

Mohd Ismail said it is the only death in the 49 new cases detected in the past 24 hours, 29 of which were from nine new cluster transmissions.

The total number of cases in the country has escalated to 1,124 cases. Of these, 1,103 cases (98%) have recovered while the rest are receiving antiviral treatment at various hospitals and at home.

All the nine clusters were reported in schools and higher learning institutions in various states.

Wee Ka Siong

Meanwhile, Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said the Ministry has allocated RM3.6 million to provide A(H1N1) infection prevention kits to schools nationwide, Bernama reports.

"This is the best step in the ministry's effort to prevent H1N1. Wearing face masks and using sanitisers are also part of an exercise in hygiene among students," he told reporters after attending a briefing on H1N1 developments at the Johor Education Department yesterday.

He said every school would receive a thermometer while the number of masks and sanitisers supplied would depend on the number of students in a school.

In Penang, Environment, Health, Welfare and Caring Society Committee chairman Phee Boon Poh said there was a rumour that the Industrial Training Institute in Nibong Tebal was closed but he did not confirm the rumour as there was no confirmation of any A(H1N1) cases there as yet.

"We are still waiting for the latest information from the Health Ministry and we will need to investigate before making any confirmation so that we will not cause panic among the public," he said.

H1N1 statistics:
New Cases: 49 (all local transmissions with nine clustered transmission)
Death: 2
--- Sun2 Surf

Friday, July 24, 2009

Royal Commission In Malaysia

Since 1965, there are 9 royal commission has been established. Most of the establishment is to look into the matter of corruption, police power ...

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Najib Razak has finally announced the setting up of a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to assuage the nation's anger over the tragic death of Teoh Beng Hock at the hands of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

The people begged that a fair, transparent and a real cause of Teoh's death investigation. They have totaly lost confidence in the police. The people are angry due to the arrogant and irresponsible attitude on some of those 'higher officers'.

However, the 'Terms of Reference' in this royal commission does not include the circumstances surrounding his demise. Police still incharge of the investigation of Teoh's death.

Hence, whatever that going to announce by this royal commission, is that consider as the truth of how did Teoh died in MACC custody? Do you still remember the classical reply in Lingam's case? ' it looks like me, sounds like me' , 'correct, correct, correct'.

That's it, the royal commission is still running up but until now, DO YOU KNOW THE TRUTH?

Power can deceive a people's conscience. When the power is magnified, it will be terrible.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cabinet approves royal commission

The government today agreed to form a royal commission of inquiry to look into the sudden death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock while under the watch of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission last Thursday. --Malaysia Kini

Can royal commission suspend the current SPRM (Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia) which has loss its credibility?

Monday, July 20, 2009

When People Cry For You

Photo Source: keykok's blog

They cry, from the death of democracy to the death of Teo Beng Hock.
They cry for the justice for Beng Hock.

Photo Source: Chee Peng's blog
They cry when our prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak sent his sincere condolence to Teo's family with a wreath written 'Even the God envied the elite' (天妒英才) .

They cry when noticed that Teoh's fiancee are pregnant and Teo mysteriously died one day before their register for married.

They cry when heard of the irresponsible attitude from MACC officers. The non-professional by them to the witnesses who are helping in the investigation.

They cry when they know that their personal safety will not be protected under the investigation procedure in MACC.

They cry for the damaged of the credibility of MACC and their relevant authorities.

They cry because of the MACC is the one should be responsible on Teo's death and need to step down but they didn't.

They cry when some of the public media e.g. Utusan, said the death of Teo is an ethnic and political issues but they seems like forgotten, this is to fight for the human right to all Malaysian, not for one political aide.

They cry and asked a thousand times, why the investigation procedure on Teo's death is lack of credibility. The people has no confidence on the person who are incharge of this investigation, neither of the police nor minister.

Photo Source: Ksming's blog

They cry because of SADNESS, the ANGER and FEAR.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thinking 1607

In the evening of 16, I attended a current issues forum regarding Datuk Seri Answar Inbrahim's sodomy trial and Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal organized by PKR. It was my first time to attend such a serious forum by myself and I have to make a report after that. (whether it is going to be remove by the editor, i still have to do it).

I arrived earlier and they only have few people in the hall. Some of them are the organizer ... audience... I recognize one of the organizer, he called Ooi Tze Min. I read his blog before, unfortunately, he never update for quite a long time. Well, if you have read about the student movement's news, you may know him. It was not surprized that he is now become the political secretary to Dr. Lee as they are fighting for a change to the people. Fighting, fighting and fighting... At that moment, all the words come across my mind was just 'FIGHT.

Isn't it too tired to fight for the whole llife? What is life actually about? I'm saying about human life. Some people even need to fight till they die. Besides, their children, their grand children also have to continue fighting. Where are those enemies come from? It is a kind of ideology? That is the political life? It is visualize. No fight, No life. Because there are nothing change. There is a saying that, if you want to live in a better environement, you want to develop a new life to your next generation, you have to fight it from now onwards. Change it , when they are un-change. Tired... weary to life...

When I first stepped into the hall, actually, i feel speecheless. ( luckily that is not my toast master lesson, no one assess me) But it was chilling. I could not explain why to have this situation. It is not because of i don't have my colleague to accompany with or suddenly meet someone i know from the newspaper or internet or too excited to see them standing in front of me... I suddenly realised that i was standing on top of the building , and it is the 14th floor. ( Later, Eli express her same feeling as what i had during her speech. Woman sense?) It shouldn't be acrophobia. I'm not fear of heights (probably, no problem in indoor).

I feel terrible because I received the latest news alert which is about a young man, Teoh, the exco's aide falls to death from the MACC HQ. He supposed to have be in either 14th/15th/16th floor (in between this range) at MACC to assist in an investigation. He was only a witness like all of us, he was a general public but he was detained. He walked into the building on the day before 16th. But after 20s hr. he was found dead on the 5th floor of the MACC building where the MACC's officers could not explain why he were there. According to news, it seems to have mysteriously fallen from the building and died. How msytery is it? Everyone is shock to hear this news. The politicians, the media, the people...

Eli started her speech in the forum with, ' Today is the darkest day in Malaysia ' . The darkest day. The darkest Malaysia. The feelings is down at heel when we know that this man, Teoh, 'He was to be married tommorow' (17/7) but he would never able to made it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Give Our Children A Cyanide Free Home

This video is original copy from Ban Cyanide's Blog. >>> View in Wide Screen <<<

I am so impressed with this video which the opening is a child saying in Hakka (as I'm Hakka too). His voice is full of childish but the message he bring out is extremely serious. He said, ' Cyanide kill people, you should come to know it' and the next sentence is ' God, please provides me a way out'. If you can make a choice, will you live in a cyanide gold mine village? That is what the Bukit Koman residents trying to fight with.

I have no idea how old is the kid who say so. Does anyone teach him the speech or Does he understand the meaning of the content? I believe that he knows what he's trying to say because he did it on behalf to protect his homeland. Also, He really feel that he or his family and his home are at risk. Children are innocent. Sometimes, they speak more sincerely than an adult. In order to have a personal or commercial interests, adults can betrays the conscience but a child won't.

Besides, the background music plays an important role in creating the feelings of public concern. Everyone needs home! We do not need a gorgeous house like Khir Toyo's sprawling bungalow. It may be a squatter, a single storied house or a low-cost housing but it is the most comfortable place where we live together with our family. Whenever you are tired, you will think of going home. Therefore, it's how important our home is and how safely it is.

The impact of using cyanide in gold mining at Bukit Koman aroused the attention of more and more people. Even some moron try to higlight it as one of the political issues (among PKR against MCA). I am sorry to use such a bad word in my article but i just learn it from elsewhere. I think those who are irresponsible and does not care about people safety always give an excuse that ' Someone wants to politicize the matter'. Is ridiculous! Does political honor is more important than life? It counts on the thousands of human life, the plants, the animals and the nature in Bukit Koman. Who would be willing to risk his life by making such a joke?

Cyanide used in gold mine at Bukit Koman, Raub is no longer a concern of the local residents or a greenie (enviromentalist) but the matter of everyone of us. People care about health issues and worry that the gold mining negligence may cause disastrous consequences. Nobody can estimate the occurence of an accident. Moreover, residents complaint that their health conditions are weak during the construction of the mining factory. Visitors also can feel the poor air quality index once they step into the Kg. Bukit Koman. Should the authorities, the representative of people in Raub begin to solve the problem by door to door visit and listens respectfully to the residents who are all the way suffering either in psychologically or physically.

People may support gold mining because they hope the development of the village could raise more employment opportunity and the economic growth. However, supporting the gold mining activity is totaly different by supporting the use of cyanide in gold mine. Without a healthy body, gold are just muck.

Once again, Ban Cyanide ! You may not know where or when they are going to approved another gold mine factory for using cyanide near/in your homeland. It's look far away, but it is actually getting near to us. Give our next generation a pure natural environment and a simple life as you can make it.

Related link:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Democratization: 10 KPIs for Najib’s next 100 days

By: The New Politickler


July 11th marks the first 100 days of Najib’s premiership. Will his 100-day performance serve as an indicator for how our country is likely to be governed for the next four years, or was it all a big public relations exercise? The next 100 days is just as critical and we, civil society organisations (CSOs), want to throw the gauntlet down to Najib to extend his program of reform to all aspects of life in the country, especially in the critical sphere of good governance.

First of all, we laud the various measures of economic reform announced lately by the Government. While these bold measures will help liberalize our economy to meet the challenge of globalization, the structural roots of economic stagnation - namely, ethno-nationalism, cronyism, corruption and power abuse - are the major constraints and must be addressed if the country is to make any headway. At the same time, other economic reforms to close the income and wealth gap between the rich and the poor, and reforms aimed at ensuring environmental sustainability that do not deprive future generations also need urgent attention.

Most important of all is the need for reforms that can ensure good governance. If the government insists on maintaining the current authoritarian system of political control, the economic liberalization and other reforms will be seen for what it is - a thinly veiled attempt aimed at ensuring that the present political elite stays in power.

For the next 100 days of Najib’s leadership of the country, we call on the Prime Minister to meet the following 10 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can deepen the process of democratization. We also call upon Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, and all Malaysians who are concerned with the establishment of a vibrant democratic system, to join us in endorsing and monitoring the attainment of these KPIs.

10 Key KPIs for the Next 100 Days

1 Perak Constitutional Crisis

Assessment - deepening crisis which threatens the future of our democratic way of life
Explanation - A host of unelected institutions - palace, judiciary, Attorney General’s Chambers, Elections Commission, police, bureaucracy, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission - have been dragged into this unconstitutional regime change. If this precedent is not reversed, what would happen during future elections if neither BN nor Pakatan Rakyat enjoys a comfortable majority?

KPI: Fresh elections for the State of Perak.

2 Electoral System and Process

Assessment - still neither free nor fair
Explanation - Elections lacking integrity and credibility are a denial of our citizens’ democratic right. They also reduce the competitiveness of electoral politics and also deprive the winner of legitimacy. If unreformed, they could lead to political upheavals as has taken place in Iran and Thailand, recently

KPI: A Royal Commission on Electoral Reform before the next Constituency Redelineation exercise.

3 The Judiciary and the Prosecution

Assessment - still controlled by the executive

Explanation - The Judicial Appointment Commission is controlled by the Prime Minister, making the recent reform a farce. Judicial Power in the pre-1998 Article 121(1) of the Federal Constitution has still not been restored. The Attorney General (AG) both controls the prosecution and advises the federal government, resulting in a fatal conflict of interest. The AG also controls both deputy public prosecutors and lower court judges.

KPI: A Parliamentary Select Committee on Judiciary and Prosecution Reform

4 The Parliament
Assessment - still controlled by the executive
Explanation - There is no sharing of legislative leadership at both the house and committee levels. Opposition parliamentarians are thrown out almost on daily basis. There is no provision for the role of Opposition’s Shadow Cabinet.

KPI: A Royal Commission on Parliamentary Reform

5 Internal Security Act (ISA)
Assessment - terrorizing innocent Malaysians who differ in their political opinions from the BN
Explanation - Allowing detention without trial and other violations of human rights is unacceptable to any civilized society.
KPI: The repeal of ISA, with no new laws allowing detention without trial

6 The Police
Assessment - still violating human rights

Explanation - The police still arrest innocent citizens without clear justification. Detainees continue to die in police custody due to unacceptable reasons. At the same time, crime rates have soared higher.

KPI: Implement the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC)

7 The Media

Assessment - still suffering from political control
Explanation - The media remains tightly controlled via laws and regulations curbing free speech and restricting dissenting views. Secondly, entry barrier in the print and broadcast media has resulted in monopolistic control by BN interests. There is no independent public service media like the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

KPI: A Parliamentary Select Committee on Media Law Reform

8 Freedom of Information (FOI)
Assessment - still denied
Explanation - Information vital for public interests is normally classified under the Official Secrets Act (OSA). This has hindered transparency and ccountability and also resulted in widespread opportunities for corruption and mismanagement. While Selangor is initiating its own FOI law, nothing is happening at the federal level or other state.

KPI: FOI laws at both the Federal and State levels

9 Local Governments

Assessment - still unelected and unaccountable, largely unresponsive and incompetent

Explanation - No representation without taxation. Local governments should not be the appointed hand maidens of the government in power and must be elected to have any political legitimacy.

KPI: Local Government Elections nationwide.

10 The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)

Assessment - practicing selective investigations, still impotent in fight against corruption

Explanation - Like its predecessor the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA), MACC is still controlled by the Executive and has no independent power to prosecute. Hence, it remains the tool of the Executive to eliminate political opponents rather than is an independent institution that is truly combating corruption.

KPI: Amendment of the MACC Act to increase MACC’s autonomy under optimum parliamentary oversight.


Thomas Jefferson, a founding father of the United States, divided leaders into two types: those who do not trust the people and believe they know best; and those who believe that the people are the government’s best guide to pubic interest.

Najib should recognize that political and economic freedoms go hand-in-hand. Economic reform willl not work if there is a coercive political environment built on the suppression and denial of the citizens’ democratic rights.

We hope that Najib will implement the proposed KPIs above and in this way leave the right legacy for the country. Only through his commitment to a genuine and holistic reform programme that includes democratisation will our PM be able to earn the full respect and support of the people and leave his mark on Malaysian history.

Initiated by :

Liau Kok Fah, Chairperson, Civil Right Committee , Kuala Lumpur and Selangor
Chinese Assembly Hall (CRC-KLSCAH)

Gayathry Venkiteswaran, Executive Director, Centre for Independent
Journalism (CIJ)

Dr Lim Teck Ghee, Executive Director, Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI)

Andrew Khoo, Convener, Civil Society Initiative for Parliamentary Reform

K, Arumugam, Coordinator, Group of Concerned Citizens (GCC)

Maria Chin Abdullah, Executive Director, Pusat Janadaya (Empower)

Zaid Kamaruddin, President, Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)

Haris Ibrahim, Convener, People’s Parliament

Tah Moon Hui, Coordinator, Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram)

Wong Chin Huat, Chairperson, Writer Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)

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