Do We Have Human Rights In Custody?
There is a video clip being spread around in internet and sms which exposes the obnoxious treatment of a suspect in custody.
Some people said the suspect in this video was Teoh Beng Hock who had sudden death on 16 July, at MACC building during the help for an investigation. However, the suspect in this video clip is not Teoh ! We hope that people who are with rational need not spread this kind of rumors. This is a very serious accusation and it is NOT TRUE at all!
Some have told that the video clip already uploaded on youtube for a month time. Thus, it is a sure that the suspect is someone else.
Even the suspect or i would rather say that the victim on this video was not Teoh but violence should not be done by the police. Why ones can allowed the abuse of police power happened in our country? For that reason, not surprising that they are more than one people (even more and many) being torture by such inhuman treatment in custody.
My questions after watching this video clip:
1. Do we still cover by human rights when being detained or in a custody?
2. What are the power level or rights that a police can have to interrogate to a suspect? included violence?
3. Can someone please prove that the police in the video are ( or /are not) from Malaysia?
4. Who is going to take the responsibility if the suspect killed/dead/commit suicide due to the brutality during his investigation?
5. From 2003 to 2007, within 5 years, total by more than 1,500 death under detention in Malaysia. Our government has not taken any action on it and even they try to set up an independent police complaints and misconduct commission (IPCMC) have come to nothing. Why?
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