Myanmar, please Rescue yourself !
It's so frustrated to read this news! I feel very sorry to those victims! Myanmar government announced 3-day mourning period for 78,000 cyclone victims began on today. However, those survivors from the cyclone are threatened in starvation and without any medical help nor food supplies!
' United Nations said only 20 percent of the survivors had received some form of international assistance. '
The government still banned outside help! Most of the foreign aid workers are banned to the storm devastated area! Can you imagine how long those victims have been surfer in paint and starving!?! Can you imagine that how many life have been killed not because of the storm but without immediate relief operations by government ! Everyone is trying hard to make donation and rescue the victim but it just hopeless response from the authorized party!
Those army handover food aid to the victim that we see on TV is just like acting movie. Victims queue up one by one to received the aid! You won't see those people crying, you won't see any injury or complaining of cause there are no appreciation as well... Should this consider as an abnormal reactions for people who just discovered a storm disaster? Most of them lost their family, most of them are injured, the storm devastated area surrounded with dead bodies... they need specialist aid workers to help in disaster recovery! They need it , but they are not allowed to have it ! GOSH! The Myanmar government is just letting most of their people dead in hunger! I can feel it, i can feel people dead in silent!
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