Hahaha... This is a funny video clip that the words coming out from a professional political analyst. What i can say is , please forgive the people who are already spent his last two years in prison. He must be having a lot of feeling to released and feel thankful to return his freedom.
I like some of the quotes being said by Abdul Razak Baginda in his first press conference since his acquittal from the Altantunya Shaaribbuu murder case.
First one that quoted from Shakespeare Henry IV 'A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. '
Then, 'the truth is the truth , and nothing can ever change the truth.'
And the last quotes which is asked by the reporter which is showed on tv news and not involved in this video is, 'how do you know?' The answer is , ' It's like asking me... Well, i know. i know'
Thus, whenever people asked 'how do you know' , please asnwer like what this political analyst saying 'well, i know. i know.'
Oh no! it's just took me 10 minutes after i publish this post and the video clip has gone! The video clip that i pointed to is uploaded by Malaysiakini, and the title is 'Abdul Razak: Najib not involved'! Whats wrong with the video which is already published in news. Why can't it be uploaded to the web?
--- modified @ 9:49pm
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