Great Barrier Reef jellyfish
The deadly Irukandji jellyfish can be found around the Great Barrier Reef, particularly between the warm months of November to May and June. (AP)
3 of my friends from Toowoomba just went to cairns last month. When i view their photos in friendster and facebook, i think they really enjoy their trip for scuba diving.Queensland is a paradise for people who likes sea. Anyway, for those who likes swimming and diving under the sea, really have to be aware of jelly fish.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Q: We are traveling to Australia in November and want to snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef. Some guidebooks say it's impossible to snorkel at that time of year because of the abundance of deadly stinging jellyfish, while others say you can snorkel anytime without a problem. Are there any jellyfish-free areas in the reef for snorkeling at that time of year?
A: Researching this question has given us a healthy respect for the box (chironex) and the Irukandji, two types of dangerous jellyfish (a.k.a. marine stingers) that ply the tropical waters of the Great Barrier Reef, particularly between the warm months of November to May and June. Dangerous, as in potentially lethal. The box jelly is generally considered the world's most dangerous animal. According to Marine Stingers, a Web site run by the Queensland, Australia, government, death from a box jellyfish sting typically occurs within two to five minutes. Exact mortality rates aren't known, but it's thought that the box jelly is responsible for at least one death a year in Australian waters.
But that doesn't mean you can't snorkel. There are a few precautions you can take to minimize the risks:
-- Wear a "stinger suit" (a full-body Lycra wetsuit) whenever you're in the water. They're available for rent from marine tour operators and outfitters. Remember, though, that while the suits offer some protection, they are not stinger-proof.
-- Carry vinegar with you (see below).
-- Swim at a patrolled beach. Look for and obey safety signs.
-- If possible, swim in areas enclosed by a stinger net.
-- Enter the water slowly. This gives stingers time to move away.
-- Don't touch jellyfish washed up on the beach. They can still sting you.
If you're stung, douse the site of the sting with vinegar (urine or seawater as a last resort, but never fresh water). Note that it may take as long as 40 minutes for a reaction to occur, so it's important to monitor the victim in a safe location out of the water. For more information on jellyfish, go to the Marine Stingers Web site, For more information on diving and snorkeling safety, go to
this jelly fish r so a lamp.
haha. ya. agree. there is a saying "the most beautiful things are dangerous"
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