Aho member - Seng
Seng is coming back for good. I read the latest news from Linda's blog that they all fetch him to Brisbane airport last night. I can't waiting to see him when he is back because kim suggest to celebrate Hera and Seng birthday together.
Umm~ i got a strange feeling when heard that Seng is back to Malaysia. A little excited to have another friend hang around with us in Ipoh. On the other hand, i also feel a bit upsad, sounds like i am getting older and wasted one year time after i back to hometown.
Seng is one of the Aho group member. I met him in summer 2007 when he first arrived at Toowoomba. We intoduce ourselves in the International student orientation week. That time, i first joint the mentor programme and Seng is one of the international new student from Malaysia. Besides, He also from Informatics, Ipoh which is same branch with me. However, we never meet each other before in our country. Before the orientation programme began, i already heard about Seng. This name is being called by my housemate - Phooi Phooi , before he arrived. From the first day of the orientation we started to help Seng look for an accomodation. Then, Phooi and i introduce Seng to Soba (Henry) and finaly Seng became Soba's housemate. Once he moved in to Soba's house, it gives birth to a new Aho group member.
Long story ... just make it short and ends now.
I wish to said Congratulations to Seng. Finaly he is graduated! I wishes him have a bright future no matter where he is. I think he must be feeling sad to leave Toowoomba and the friends there. It is the same feeling that i thought last time when i was leaving. Still missing Toowoomba or i shall said that i miss the OZ life we shared.
Cool~ Seng coming back, come out yumcha together ya!
yae. yumcha together.
by the way, what is the meaning of niaokia??
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