Ipoh Virgin USQ Club
Remember we said want to form a USQ-Ipohan group?? Jason created a social network in Ning.com. We just want to try it out see how it works. He named this social network as 'Ipoh Virgin'. I was puzzled when i first see the invitation mail . I thought it is a spam or virus thingy. My question to Jason, 'Why you gave this name?' He said just simply put a name for testing or what. Ok. Silent again...
After double check with him, this is the invitation mail that he sent. Then i register as a new member. After that, I try to invite Hera and Seng to join this USQclub.Ning. Both of them also have the same question 'Why called it Ipoh virgin? ' ahaha. See! Normal people will think of this, the name is soooooo it's just soooooo , weird. I just run out of word to describe this. You know how abnormal person will think of?
Find out the answer from our MSN conversation below:
Li aka ly~ oh yeah~ i got my Xmas kiamsiap shopping trip ~ says (5:01 PM):
ahaha. everyone just wondering
why ipoh virgin
Chiangz says (5:01 PM):
coz all of us still virgin
Chiangz says (5:02 PM):
see the default picture? a guy beside tiang( Chue nam)
Li aka ly~ is Ipoh Virgin a nice name?~ http://usqclub.ning.com/# says (5:02 PM):
Ipoh Virgin websites: http://usqclub.ning.com/
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