Hari Raya Haji - USQ Ipoh group gathering
Celebrated by the Muslims on the tenth day of the last month of the Muslim calendar. This is an occasion celebrated marking the conclusion of the annual Haj - the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, when the pilgrims are given the title of Haji for men and Hajjah for women. Thanksgiving prayers are offered in the mosques. An animal is sacrificed whose meat was distributed among the relatives and the poor.
Hari Raya Haji , one of the festival of Malaysia. First time i heard about the term 'daging korban'. Feel sorry to myself who not understand the culture for my fellow friends in the same country. ORZ~
Although i'm not Muslim, just be great that we have a public holiday on Monday. USQ Ipoh Group have a gathering in MomoCafe' @ Geentown. We have a table for 5 , Hera, Billy, William, Jason and I . Phooi Phooi is the one from our group who could not make it because she is in KL. Ipoh is just a small town but i don't know why, sometimes it sounds difficult for us to meet up together. Oh ya! We missed out Seng! Poor things. At the beginning ,I could not found his Malaysia's house phone number then just before it reached the gathering time, I play around with my mobile. Just realised that there is another contact list which stored his house phone. Err~ sorry Seng. We wanted to invite you it's just i'm too careless. Sorry about that. But I tend to 'kidnap' him from the office to have lunch together with Hera by this week. lol~
USQ Ipoh Group... there are lots of memories that we had in Australia. Some saids that the school life are the most joyful time you have in your life. We just can't forget the enjoyable time when we are studying abroad. Jason suggest that we form a USQ community in facebook, but i think someone already did it and i rather prefer that we form a blogger community. Anyway, we talk more work less. wuahaha~
When time goes by, our topic seems getting lesser and lesser. It make us feel so strange when the sentence paused in the middle of air. Guys like to talk about car, online games, mobile and girls. Whenever they comes out some special technology terms or codes, Hera and I would be prompted out some questions mark there. What else we can talk? updating the latest news from each other, plan to have a trip but always failed to work out one... I think it is really important that we have something that able to connect us back together. We can't just continue by joining each other from USQ. We need something that are inter-related. Err~ Maybe we need to invites our good friends to join in and make our group more lifely. Maybe... Maybe... Dunno whatelse we can do... --0
Yerr..USQ Sabah member kena tinggal...lol..
Soba,we form a USQ Malaysia then. haha...
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