Set up FTP in Vista
I have tried to set up FTP in Window Vista using default network location feature. Before that i have installed the third party FTP called File Zilla but i was stuck from the beginning when they ask for hots IP. Lets try out this if you are using Window Vista.
Tutorial which taught by Lyte Byte
How to Set Up FTP in Vista?
Follow these simple steps to set up FTP in Vista using the default Network Location Feature.
1) Open My Computer and Right Click on an empty space.
2) Click Add a Network Location
3) You will get a new wizard to add a network location which allows you to create a shortcut to a website, an FTP site, or other network location.
4) Click Next and Click Choose a custom network location.
5) You will be asked to enter the location of the website. Note: when you give the location address for FTP use the following syntax, (FTP://
Well, it show me the icon for this FTP in My computer. But... Question! what should i do next? Can i upload my own template to blogspot? How do i upload pictures to a websites? Oh no!
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